View and Download the Save the Date District PL 2025 flyer (dates to be confirmed – will be updated early 2025)
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Professional Learning available
Key Language Leadership
Application for Key Language Leadership Course
The course consists of six days of professional learning with a focus on developing participants’ knowledge of oral language and literacy skills (linked to disorder and impairment) along with building their capacity to take on a leadership role within the school. Participants learn to assess and analyse language and are provided with practical strategies for addressing identified needs through differentiation. The series has a strong action-learning component, there is an expectation that participants will undertake additional reading and trial activities between sessions. The training also encourages participants to reflect on their teaching practice, develop their leadership and mentoring skills and establish networks. Opportunities to identify plan and report on a school-based initiative will be provided throughout the series, which is aimed at developing the leadership skills of participants.
The six days of training include the following modules:
- Intro to oral Language, comprehension & LBU
- Narrative Macrostructure
- Narrative Microstructure & Grammar
- Semantics, Vocabulary and LBU Tie Up
- Phonological Awareness and the Early Code
- Complex Code, Polysyllabic Words, Morphology & Wrap Up
Each of the modules includes theory, strategies, and resources. There will be opportunities to reflect on current practice and commence planning for teaching and learning programs to suit diverse learning environments, including ideas for classroom organisation. Schools that decide to access the Course will nominate a language leader/s to attend the sessions.
Assessment Tools
Based on the student program assessment practices adapted for mainstream.
Kindergarten Assessment Tool (K.A.T.)
The K.A.T. is a criterion referenced assessment tool designed to ensure oral language development is maximised. The purpose is to provide teachers with baseline data in oral language and emergent literacy skills of Kindergarten students. The K.A.T. is aligned with the Kindergarten Curriculum Guidelines, the Early Years Framework and back-mapped from The Australian Curriculum (ACARA) Pre-Primary Achievement Standard Statements.
The KAT Package consists of several common assessment tasks based on tools used within the Centre that have been adapted and trialled within mainstream school settings. Some tasks are designed for all students and others target students that may be at risk. To assist judgements, ages and stages information is included for teacher reference.
Individual subtests of the KAT can be used strategically and systematically by teachers across the school year according to the needs of the class. There is flexibility in when subtests are administered and in the order of subtests selected. The Subtests unpacked are: Comprehension (Blank Screen), Semantics (Vocabulary), Locational Relationships (Prepositions), Social / Emotional, Concepts of Print & Reading, Play & Social Skills, Oral Narrative, Phonological Awareness and Grammar (Syntax).
PLEASE NOTE: The K.A.T. package can only be purchased after attending 1 full day of training at the West Coast LDC. All courses are advertised on the Professional Learning Information System (PLIS) with some being run over 2 half days in semester 1 and full days in semester 2.
Download fact sheets about Kindergarten Assessment Tool Information sessions
KAT Information Flyer – Full DayRainbow Assessment Tool
The Rainbow Assessment Tool–Revised (RAT-R) is a tool used by teachers to gather data about students’ phonological and phonemic awareness skills. The tool allows teachers to evaluate what early pre-literacy skills students have, and what skills need to be further taught prior to phonics instruction. The tool can be used K-2 primarily, but the older age (year 2+) tasks can be useful to identify what underlying phonological and phonemic skills may be missing for older struggling students.
RAT Information Flyer 2024District Series
Several 2 hours sessions are conducted throughout the year from 3:45-5:45. These include:
Phonological Awareness to phonics (2 sessions),
Developmental Language Disorder, What is DLD? (2 sessions)
Articulation and Phonology
Boosting Language through Book Sharing (2 sessions)
Grammar (Syntax) how oral syntax competency impacts on literacy outcomes (2 sessions)
Explicit Vocabulary Instruction.
Literature Based Unit
– this is a full day professional learning session that looks at the importance of literature and stories in building language and literacy skills. It will provide activities to address aspects of language including, vocabulary, grammar, phonological awareness, narrative and writing in an integrated way.
LBU Information Flyer 2024