The total amount of contributions parents and carers are asked to pay has been contained within the $60.00 maximum set in the School Education Regulations 2000.
Money collected will be used to supplement school expenditure in the areas listed below. The payment per child is shown in the table beneath.
Payment Options
Payment by Qkr! or Direct Deposits (banking details as below).
We do not accept cash or cheques.
BSB: 066040
Account No: 19905616
Reference: Please use your child’s curname, Initial, reason for payment e.g.: V/C or EduDance etc.
School Contributions
The West Coast Language Development Centre School Board endorses the schedule of Contributions and Charges annually.
Contributions can be paid early Term 1. Part payment, e.g. $15.00 or so per term, is by arrangement with the Principal or Manager Corporate Services.
Excursions for Year One students and Incursions are planned from time to time. These costs are dependent on the activity. Special education programs such as Edu-Dance are run on certain campuses. These activities relate directly to the curriculum and are an important part of your child’s language program.
Please download a copy of the 2024 Charges and Contributions estimated for the 2024 year;
Anticipated Additional Cost 2024