We conduct an open day every year to give parents and the wider community the opportunity to discover what the West Coast Language Development Centre (WCLDC) is all about. We conduct information sessions and informal walk throughs in 2 of our campsues.
Click on the link for the flyer giving dates and times.
Parent Information Sessions
The West Coast Language Development Centre will be running 2 parent information sessions early term 3.
The sessions are aimed at parents who are in the process of having their child referred to our school or are looking at a possible referral in the future.
The sessions will include:
- What is Developmental Language Disorder (DLD)?
- The impact of DLD on a child’s development and learning
- School specific language and learning programmes
- The difference between our school and mainstream schools
Join us for a tour of the school and an opportunity to talk to our fabulous staff.
Location: Quinns Beach Primary School campus
Date: Thursday 25th July 9:30 -11:30am
Location: Padbury Primary School campus
Date: Monday 22nd July 9:30-11:30am
WCDLC Open Day flyer 2024