Eligibility and Referrals

What are the criteria for entry?

Applications can be made for entry into Kindergarten, Pre-Primary or Year One. The number of available places varies from year to year. To be eligible for entry to the LDC:

  1. The child must have a significant primary language disorder in one or more language areas.
  2. The child needs to demonstrate evidence of learning potential within the average or above average range.
  3. The child needs to demonstrate sound adaptive behaviour skills, substantiated by observed descriptive evidence of the child’s behaviour in his/her current educational placement or in his/her home. This is to ensure that children are able to fully access our intensive oral language learning program.

Language development difficulties should be the main developmental area of concern. A speech pathologist will need to complete a number of formal and informal speech pathology assessments to determine if a child is a suitable LDC candidate. The non-verbal skills (non-verbal intelligence) of PP and Year 1 applicants must be identified as falling in the average or above average range. Children must also have sound adaptive behaviour skills, which means they need to demonstrate the ability to settle into the school environment and participate well.

Children with learning difficulties in areas other than language, global developmental delays or those learning English as a second language may be best supported through other services. Children who are learning English as a second language may be eligible for entry if there are also delays/difficulties in their primary (home) language. Speak to a speech pathologist if you are unsure if your child will be a suitable applicant.

Download a copy of our Referral Information booklet 2024 for 2025 and  WCDLC open day flyer 2024

Watch Our Referrals Video Below



Referral – Who are we?


Who can be referred?


How to refer?


How to refer

West Coast Language Development Centre provides specialised, intensive language intervention to students from Kindy to Year Two.

Parents/caregivers, speech pathologists, psychologists or teachers can initiate a referral for an LDC assessment. The referral application consists of three/four parts:

  • Speech Pathology assessment conducted by a Speech Pathologist – Download a copy of the documentation required;

West Coast LDC Boundary Map 2024

2025 LDC Speech Pathology Referral Report KINDY

2025 LDC Speech Pathology Referral Report PRE-PRIMARY

2025 LDC Speech Pathology Referral Report YEAR ONE

2025 LDC Parent-Carer Questionaire KINDY

2025 LDC CALD Questionnaire

2025 LDC Case History & Additional Services Form

2025 LDC Referral Guideline Document

Referral Information booklet 2024 for 2025

WCDLC open day flyer 2024

  • Psychometric assessment conducted by a Psychologist (compulsory for PP/Yr 1 applications) or developmental assessment conducted by a Paediatrician (preferred for Kindy applications)
  • Teacher/Carer questionnaire completed by the child’s classroom teacher (if currently attending school), carer if in day-care and/or parents.
  • Behaviour Checklist completed by a psychologist in consultation with the teacher (PP/Yr 1 applications)
  • Download a copy of the documentation required;

2025 LDC Teacher Questionnaire PRE-PRIMARY

2025 LDC Teacher Questionnaire YEAR ONE

2025 LDC Behaviour Checklist PP & YR1

West Coast LDC Boundary Map 2024

Referral Information booklet 2024 for 2025

WCDLC open day flyer 2024

Referrals are considered by the Placement Committee at the LDC, which consists of the LDC principal, the LDC speech pathologists and the school psychologist (the lodgement of a referral doesn’t guarantee a place).The Placement Committee usually meets early in term 4 of each year. Parents and referring professionals are notified of the Placement Committee’s decision in mid Term 4.

The closing dates for 2024 (for placement in 2025) are as follows:

Pre Primary/Year 1

Friday 6 September 2024

(Term 3 – School Week 8)


Wednesday 18 September 2024

(Term 3 – School Week 10)

Each year the number of available places and the number of children referred vary and is dependent on the numbers of children who exit each year; the number of referrals received for each year level and the number of referrals received for each catchment area. Current LDC students are assessed to determine their eligibility to remain at the centre and then estimates can be made regarding possible places for the following year. This information is usually provided to referring agencies in Term 1. These estimates provide a rough guide on the number of places the Centre may have in each year level for the next school year. Sometimes we are in the position of having many appropriate children referred and may not always be able to place all appropriate referrals. We endeavour to place the highest priority students, though sometimes parents may be offered a place at an alternative site. Please note, we accept referrals for Kindergarten to Year 1.

Frequently asked questions

Please contact the WCLDC Administration Office on (08) 9407 3050 for further information.

Can we view the centre before deciding to apply? 

West Coast  LDC will be holding an Information Session in 2024 (date yet to be confirmed). If you would like to be contacted once the date has been set, or wish to arrange another time to view the centre, please phone the office on 9407 3050 or by email WestCoast.LDC@education.wa.edu.au

How long will my child stay in the LDC?

The LDCs are considered short term educational facilities. The aim is to return children to mainstream classrooms as soon as they demonstrate age-appropriate speech, language and social skills. A range of assessments and interviews are conducted to determine when a child is ready to exit the centre. Upon exit, a fully supported transition program to a mainstream school is implemented.

How do I enrol my child in an LDC?

If you wish to refer your child to West Coast LDC, please talk to a speech pathologist who can start the process if appropriate. Please note that the referral process can take time and public services often have lengthy waitlists. As such it is recommended that you get in contact with a speech pathologist as soon as possible if you have any concerns regarding your child’s language development. Referrals to West Coast LDC are accepted from public and private speech pathology services. Please note that you do not need a referral from your GP to access private speech pathology services – simply call and make an appointment.

Applications can be made for entry into Kindergarten, Pre-Primary or Year 1; the number of places available varies from year to year. It is important to commence the referral process a number of months before the closing date. Late referrals are not accepted due to strict timelines.

Speech Pathology Assessment

A speech pathologist will perform the required speech pathology assessments and complete the necessary paperwork to support the application. Up to four appointments may be needed to complete the formal and informal assessments.

Developmental Assessment OR School Psychologist Assessment

The purpose of the developmental or psychological assessment is to ensure that the LDC is the most appropriate learning environment for your child. If your child is already attending school, they will be assessed by the School Psychologist, who will complete a non-verbal IQ assessment and a behaviour checklist. This assessment is a compulsory part of all applications for Pre-Primary and Year 1 applications. Private psychologists can also conduct the assessment.  You can speak to your child’s school about requesting an assessment. For Kindergarten applications, it is strongly recommended that a developmental assessment be conducted by a paediatrician. A GP can refer a child to a private Paediatrician and a Medicare rebate may apply. Alternatively, a speech pathologist may be able to refer for a developmental assessment through a local Child Development Centre. This service is free, but the waitlists can often be long. A developmental assessment is not compulsory for children going into Kindergarten but can add weight to an application and is highly recommended.

Parent/Teacher Questionnaire

For Kindergarten applications, parents and carers will be asked to complete a form with the speech pathologist. If your child attends day-care, they will also need to complete a questionnaire which should be returned to your Speech Pathologist. If your child already attends school, their teacher will be asked to fill out a questionnaire, which should be returned to the school psychologist or sent directly to the LDC Referral Team.

Who decides if a referral is accepted?

A placement committee consisting of the school principal, deputy principal, speech pathologists and school psychologist carefully considers all information provided in the application package. Each case is discussed individually. The decision to accept or decline the referral depends upon the applicant meeting entry criteria, priority ranking and the number of places available.

When will parents be notified of the outcome?

Letters indicating the referral outcomes are sent out in November each year. New parent information sessions are held shortly after this time for successful applicants. If the referral is not successful, parents are encouraged to speak to their speech pathologist about future management/educational placement options. Professional learning for mainstream school and teachers to support children with speech and language difficulties is available through the West Coast LDC Outreach Service.